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Primary School 
(Grade RRR to Grade 7)

Our Identity And Traditions Inspire Us

Our Grade RRR to 5 classes are co-ed (Girls and Boys) and from Grade 6 to 12, our classes are for girls only.

Education at Loreto Convent School is a dynamic partnership between learners, educators and parents, who work together in an atmosphere of appreciation, co-operation and mutual trust.



Pre-Grade R Phase

Grade RRR - Grade R

In the Pre-School we lay a solid foundation with our perceptual and school readiness programme which ensures harmonious development of physical and cognitive skills, perceptual-motor coordination, auditory training and emotional stability.


A child centred classroom helps learners on their way towards a happy and successful learning experience.

Primary School In Your Area

Primary School

Foundation Phase

Grade  1 -Grade 3

Grade 1 to Grade 3

In the Foundation Phase, learners master the basic skills in the Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills learning areas.


In addition, study habits necessary for academic success are established as well as the nurturing of the love of learning.

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Girls and Boys

Intermediate Phase

Grade 4 to Grade 6

In the Intermediate Phase, the skills that have been taught in the previous phase are extended.

The learners work in six learning programmes: English HL, Afrikaans FAL, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technology, Life Skills.

Girls Only

Senior Phase

Grade 7

In the Senior Phase, we offer the nine learning programmes prescribed by the Gauteng Department of Education.

Subjects are English HL, Afrikaans FAL, Mathematics, Life Orientation, Creative Arts, EMS, Natural Science, Social Science, Technology.


In this phase, independence and personal responsibility for learning are emphasized in preparation for higher levels of study.

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